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Redirecting Enthusiasm for Your Business


For every entrepreneur, one of the most exciting times in life was the time that the thought of hitting a mega fortune-building business came to mind. At that time, even the dead could be infected with oozing enthusiasm because the future was so bright or so it seemed. The thoughts of growing a business that could provide quality daily bread were ever present both in waking hours and sleep. Unending dreams followed, speaking to anyone who cared to listen and also those who didn’t. It was so severe that it made paid employees green with envy simply because of enthusiasm and hope of financial satisfaction in no distant time.

Suddenly, the infectious spirit seems to be blowing low, happiness, eroded and the stately look and talk of King of the Pack is gone. CVs may even start going out again. What went wrong? What happened to all the excitement, high hopes for a great business and rewards of hard work? Oh, it seems the game’s got this one.

Simply put, it happens to the best of mankind. Every human being goes through periods in life when he hits rock bottom and he doesn’t know how to get up again. Some people snap out fast, others take longer time while some others may never get out of it.

It is the same with any business venture. These times are almost inevitable but what defines the story is how the entrepreneur handles it. Going through a personal experience of the ‘wilderness’, here is how I learnt to get back on track.

1. drawing board
Go Back to the Drawing Board: When building a business, you must have a competent marketing plan. Come up with a plan and stick to it for a certain period of time. Sometimes, when the business does not go as planned, there is a tendency to want to move on to something else or another marketing strategy. This could prove detrimental to the business. You must give your plan ample time to take effect which is not to say that the business/marketing plan cannot be tweaked. Remember, the plan was made for the business and not the business for the plan. It should be flexible enough to accommodate change but also rigid enough to maintain form.

2. goals 2
Know Your Goals: Set goals and write them down. The importance of knowing your goals cannot be overemphasized because they define the direction in which you want to take your business.  Refer to your goals whenever it seems like you’re losing focus and enthusiasm. When you write them down, you are greatly increasing the possibility that you will accomplish the goals you have set.

3. balance
Strike a Balance: As an entrepreneur, you will most likely multi-task so, in order not to be overwhelmed with the task of running a sustainable venture, you need to break down your work into several parts. When your mind is divided by too many tasks, productivity decreases which leads to declining focus and enthusiasm. At this point, you need to take your eyes off the big picture and focus on the small pieces that make the picture. With your work broken down to manageable activities, you will be able to accomplish the tasks, one piece at a time. Always strike a good balance with work. Make sure that per time, you are never over-worked or under-worked. Both extremes are emotionally and mentally stressful.

4. support grop
Maintain a Support System: Have a Master Mind Group. Surround yourself with people who will encourage and challenge you. Be accountable to someone other than yourself. Thank you, Rich.

Take Action Every Day: An important objective warrants daily attention. Focus on taking productive actions daily, despite what your ‘feelings’ say. Master your emotions so that you do not succumb to its whims. Remember, you are the captain of the ship.

Reward your success: As an entrepreneur, you need to invest in not only your business but yourself also. Engage in activities outside your field to broaden your horizon. Learn new languages and acquire new skills. Continually enlarge your coast physically (by healthy nutrition and exercise), mentally (read positive materials and write also, even though no one else gets to read them) and spiritually. When you think that you’ve earned it, take a vacation.

Good luck on redirecting your enthusiasm, passion and focus to your business. Cheers!

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